Do you need?
Christa is available to help you with your writing needs. Contact her for more information about her services.
Whether it's an entire magazine ready to send to the printer or an investor relations update that's due by the end of the week, Christa will proof line by line for both mechanics and comprehension. Is there any way we can make it better?​
Hate writing? Doesn't matter. You have to know how to communicate regardless of the field you're in. With more than 15 university teaching semesters in her toolbox, Christa knows how to take complex information and share it in a way that's relatable and usable. She’ll show you how. Available for one-on-one tutoring at $50 per hour.
College Admissions Essays
Conquer the common app essay required for most college applications. Christa will help you tell your story and show the universities why you should be their first pick. In 600 words or less, of course. Learn More